

伊豆的舞女The Dancing Girl from Izu 中日名伶浓情献唱东京爵士 以传统美学演绎三国乐坛经典名曲 Chinese and Japanese jazz artists gather in Tokyo to bring you traditional aesthetic renditions of classic songs from their home countries and the US 五彩缤纷的霓虹,投下炫目的光影,照亮银座那古韵尚存的石板路。纷杂的脚步声,随着柔和悦耳的电车广播,涌出彻夜通明的新宿站,汇入湍急的人潮中。朱红色的东京铁塔,矗立在港湾区的宁静夜色里,回望六本木灯光璀璨的摩天大楼。当来自太平洋的风,吹动旅人朦胧缠绵的梦,记忆中氤氲闪动着的,是浓浓秋意中伊豆半岛清新淳朴的风景,还是曲折山路上可爱少女回眸时的娇柔。 自由回旋的萨克斯风,与轻灵涌动的钢琴,在回忆之夜的柔情氛围中徘徊共舞。通透宛转的小号,在恬淡柔和的月色下,和应着洒脱起落的鼓声。徐徐倾诉的吉他,模仿日本传统乐器三味线那清幽的声线。深沉颤动的贝司,表达着柔美与力度并存的传统精神内蕴。醇厚得令人迷醉的女声,如同思念在悠长时光中泛起的回响,以爵士乐的怀旧旋律,演绎东洋列岛的恋恋风情。 日本始终善于在延续自身传统的同时,对外来文化兼收并蓄。二十世纪初,在全民崇尚西洋文明的大正浪漫思潮中,刚刚在大洋彼岸的美国兴起的爵士乐,迅速在日本国内掀起热浪,由此开始了与这个国家延续百年的音乐恋情。瑞鸣音乐制作人叶云川,此次选取近代史上举足轻重的国际大都会东京,作为“世界的声音”系列专辑的新起点,以东洋爵士乐那柔和抒情的格调和丰沛的意境,全新演绎十二首中、英、日经典流行金曲。他自日本文学巨匠川端康成的成名作《伊豆的舞女》中汲取灵感,并亲自前往伊豆地区采风,体会那里与繁华都市仅有咫尺之距,却依然被保存完整的古雅质朴的氛围,并将其化为音乐中的含蓄情愫。整张专辑,如同一组由都会风景和乡土人情映衬而成的浮世绘,令聆听者深深体会到现代气质和古典精神交融的日本美学特色。 制作人叶云川盛邀著名爵士钢琴家Simon Cosgrove担纲编曲一职,并组建东京最优秀的爵士乐队,于著名录音师吉川先生创立的东京最佳爵士录音棚Dede录制本张专辑。优秀录音师松下真也,以凝聚匠心的录音技艺为专辑制作添光增彩。《红豆》、《温柔地爱我》、《雪之华》《伊豆的舞女》……横贯华语、日语、欧美歌坛的经典名作,经过模拟磁带的载录,和众多顶级模拟录音器材的打磨,音色醇厚如初,而多染了些许温暖惆怅。曾在瑞鸣音乐出品的《被遗忘的时光》专辑中担任演唱的爵士女伶王韵壹,以低沉而充满质感的中性唱腔再度精彩登场。她与两位唱功非凡的日本爵士女歌手木村浩子、国贞雅子,完美演绎出东西方融和的音乐风貌。和风的恬静与淡雅,在爵士的洒脱气息之中找到了最佳的契合点,为那份威士忌的醇厚底蕴,增添了几缕清酒的芬芳。 以和歌的唯美风情,绘写灵动而跌宕的旋律。将歌舞伎的优雅气质,融入即兴而流畅的节奏。色彩淡雅的爵士之歌,舞动在徘徊的月色下,飘游在穿过竹林的风中。令人于幻梦之隅流连忘怀,回味生命中原初的感动。 The bright neon lights glow their plethora of colors down upon the rustic cobblestones of Tokyo’s Ginza district. Amidst the scattered cacophony of footsteps, as the tram’s PA system announces the current stop, a stream of passengers flows out to join the others on the streets. The bold crimson lights of Tokyo Tower rise up into the quiet night sky, gazing solemnly across the other skyscrapers of Roppongi. A wind from the Pacific picks up, stirring a traveler in his dreams, conjuring up memories of the breathtaking autumn scenery of the Izu Peninsula, or possibly the glance back from the equally breathtaking girl on her way up the mountain path. The carefree song of the saxophone and sprightly tune of the piano dance together back and forth among the memories brought on by the night. The crisp sound of the trumpet, beneath the soft glow of the moon, responds to the cascade of the drumbeat. The languid strum of the guitar mimics the tranquil hum of the traditional shamisen. The deep, quivering rumble of the bass conveys the classical fusion of strength with gentleness. The intoxicating female vocals echo like the endless call of yearning, and infused with jazz elements, bring the music of the Japanese archipelago to a whole new light. Japan has a knack for assimilating foreign culture, while also carrying on its own traditions. In the early 20th century, as Japan was undergoing a nationwide Western culture craze, jazz music, which had just become mainstream on the other coast of the Pacific, quickly rose to popularity, in turn leading to a fondness of the Japanese toward the US that would last for many generations. For this entry in his “Music of the World” series, Rhymoi Music producer Ye Yunchuan chose the contemporary metropolis of Tokyo as his starting point, and focused on the pleasant melodies and vivid imagery of Japanese jazz, bringing you a collection of 12 timeless classics, performed here in Japanese, English and Mandarin. Drawing inspiration from Japanese literary master Kawabata Yasunari’s maiden work “The Dancer of Izu”, Ye Yunchuan took a trip to Izu to get a first-hand look at the incredibly intact ancient atmosphere there, located astonishingly close to an urban environment, and infused elements of this magical place into the album’s overall sound. The entire album is like a relief panorama of city and country life in Japan, allowing the listener to experience the country’s unique aesthetic of fusing modern with classical. Rhymoi Music producer Ye Yunchuan invites acclaimed jazz pianist Simon Cosgrove to arrange the songs on the album and organize the best jazz band that Tokyo has to offer. Recording was done at Studio Dede, founded by legendary recording artist Mr. Yoshikawa. Premiere recording artist Shinya Matsushita, with his sharply honed recording skills, rounds out the album’s all-star production staff. Red Bean, Love Me Tender, Snowflakes, The Dancer of Izu…classic songs spanning the globe from Asia to Europe to the Americas, using analog magnetic tape recording, in combination with a wide array of world-class analog recording equipment, these songs are brought to you in bold, full-bodied sound, with an added layer of nostalgia. Female jazz vocalist Wang Yunyi, whose album Times Forgotten was previously released by Rhymoi Music, returns once again to stun you with her mesmerizing neutral voice. She, together with accomplished Japanese jazz singers Hiroko Williams and Masako Kunisada, flawlessly fuse the musical styles of East and West. The tranquility and subtle elegance of a gentle breeze, finds the best correspondence among different branches of jazz, like different malts of whiskey or flavors of sake. The subtle aesthetic of Japanese music creates a vivid, cascading melody, its majestic feel further infused with the improvised rhythm of jazz. The two meld together and dance beneath the moon, gliding through forests of bamboo, like wandering in a dream, propelled by life’s fondest memories. 编曲简介: Simon Cosgrove 剑桥大学毕业生,自2003年起居住于东京,作为演奏家、作曲家和教育家展开活动。他已经发行了三张爵士乐专辑,并与Duke Ellington Orchestra、松田圣子、Jamie Cullum、Duran Duran等知名歌手及演唱团体共同演出。他目前于女子美术大学担任助理教授一职。 演唱者简介: 木村浩子Hiroko Williams 自2012年以来已经发行了七张专辑,长期在日本的爵士乐排行榜上位居榜首。她在活跃于日本各地的演出活动中,并主持了一个名为“MY ROOM JAZZ”的广播节目。她的作品已经被全日空航空公司的机载音乐节目,以及亚洲和欧洲的一些有声杂志所收录。 国贞雅子Masako Kunisada 曾赴美国纽约学习,目前作为爵士乐、福音音乐、节奏布鲁斯、流行音乐的天才歌手活跃于东京的舞台。她也从事钢琴演奏,并发行了一张题名为“Wonderful Life”的专辑,并在其中加入了自己的原创作品。 王韵壹 中国最知名爵士乐女歌手,2006年至今,与国内外众多优秀音乐家合作演出,先后组建Hotline-1618爵士乐队、Frank Segen四重奏、筱慧与三重奏大爆炸(Elva&Trio B)以及筱慧与柠檬三重奏(Elva&Lemon Trio)。于2011年发行专辑《how long has this been going on》。在参与了热播真人秀节目《中国好声音》后,王韵壹被广大观众熟识,同时将兼具现代风格与传统经典的爵士乐带给中国观众,她嗓音酽厚而不失温润,对多种风格的演绎均有独到之处,是中国爵士乐演唱领域的第一人。2015年由瑞鸣音乐录制个人演唱专辑《被遗忘的时光》广受好评。 音乐演奏及录制成员:(Musicians) Arranger/Piano:Simon Cosgrove Tenor Saxophone:Akihiro Nishiguchi Guitar: Tomoya Hara Bass: Pat Glynn/Shinichi Sato Drums: Masahiko Osaka/Dennis Frehse Trumpet/flugelhorn: Mike Zachemuk Vocal: Masako Kunisada/ Hiroko Williams /Wang yunyi (王韵壹) Recording Engineer:Shinya Matsushita Mixing Engineer: Akihito Yoshikawa Recording Engineer Assistant: Yuki lto Li Yingzi(李英姿) Recording Studio: Studio Dede 制作成员: 出品/监制:丁磊 叶云川 制作人:叶云川 中文文案:赵子涵 英文文案:安仁良 录音花絮摄影:YC 平面设计: 晓行 后期制作统筹:徐逸飞 出品:瑞鸣音乐
