Prayed for Me (feat. Joey Jewish)

Prayed for Me (feat. Joey Jewish)

Meek Lion is not your average hip-hop artist focusing on shallow, negative, and degrading lyrics: He is first and foremost a devote Christian, a father and a veteran who burns for giving back to his community. His career as a hip-hop artist and producer is his way to praise God and share a positive message with a new generation of listeners. There is something extremely powerful in coming-of-age stories. These are the stories that can truly change your life, and make you realize how to live in the best possible way, knowing what is really important in our existence. Meek Lion, born Jimmy Riley, actually went through a lot of hardships and ups and downs within his lifetime, coming from a very tough upbringing in a section 8 housing project known as "Hickory Hills". Here is were Meek Lion tragically learned the cruelty of life, having witnessed someone being shot. At that time, he was only 6.  Meek Lion later joined the military and served in Afghanistan (deployed in 2010). After the experience, Meek Lion had a come to Jesus moment in his life. He began using his God-given talent for rap music to share a positive message to the people and be able to use his music as therapy.  In much the same way his life has changed because of the love and grace of Christ, anybody could find a better way through Faith, Hope, and Love!
