A Sidemans Journey

A Sidemans Journey

Klaus Voormann专辑介绍:著名音乐制作人Voormann,曾为披头士以及4位的个人专辑伴奏(Revolver的封面还是他设计的)2009年的专辑。他在披头士早期作品中负责贝司,也为Ringo Starr的首张个人专辑Sentimental Journey以及列侬的Imagine,还有George Harrison的All Things Must Pass做过伴奏。这张Sideman's Journey(伴奏人之旅),Voormann请来了一些老伙计们,其中就包括Ringo Starr,保罗·麦卡特尼,Joe Walsh,AKA Cat Stevens的Yusuf Islam,Dr. John,Manfred Mann的Manfreds,Bonnie Bramlett, Jim Keltner, Max Buskohl, Van Dyke Parks, Albert Lee, Don Nix等。专辑是由环球唱片(Universal)发行。 Interpreted by UkoO? novadust UKoO novadust㊣原创翻译 转载注明 2009 album from the musician, artist producer and famous sideman, best known for his work with The Beatles (he designed the Revolver album cover) and their solo recordings. Voormann played bass on many of the old solo Beatles albums. He was on Ringo's first solo album Sentimental Journey, he played on John Lennon's Imagine and on George Harrison's All Things Must Pass. On A Sideman's Journey, Voormann is joined by old mates Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, Joe Walsh, Yusuf (AKA Cat Stevens), Dr. John, The Manfreds (members of Manfred Mann), Bonnie Bramlett, Jim Keltner, Max Buskohl, Van Dyke Parks, Albert Lee, Don Nix and many others. Universal.
