

蓝灰色眼睛 “蓝灰色眼睛” 是对古希腊神话中的人物 “卡戎” 的想像。在星空下的斯提克斯河,卡戎是一个神秘,易怒的摆渡人,将亡灵载到对岸。而面对爱情,这双易怒的眼睛背后还是有着一颗温柔的心。这首歌想探索爱的力量,哪怕是无尽的等候,那个惦念的人还是最能让你莞尔一笑,放下所有疲惫与愤怒。 “Steel-Blue Eyes" is an imagining of "Charon" from ancient Greek mythology. Along the Styx River under the starry sky, Charon is a mysterious and irritable ferryman tasked to transport souls to the other side. Behind his easily angered eyes, lies a gentle heart in the face of love. This song aims to explore the power and patience of love. Even in endless waiting, the thought of a loved one can bring a smile to your face, alleviating any anger and weariness. 作词 Lyricist:锦安 Jin An & 陈超 作曲 Composer:锦安 Jin An 编曲 Arrangement:锦安 Jin An 制作人 Producer:锦安 Jin An & Prue Chew 电吉他 Electric Guitars:Prue Chew 木吉他 Acoustic Guitars: 锦安 Jin An 和音 Backing Vocal:锦安 Jin An 录音师Recording Engineer:锦安 Jin An 混音师 Mixing Engineer:Prue Chew 录音工作室 Recording Studio:Mountain Cave Studios 母带后期处理工程师 Mastering Engineer:Prue Chew
