Mickey's Monkey (Mono) - The Miracles
Alright is everybody ready
Alright now here we go
A one a two a one two
Lum de lum de la ey
Lum de lum de la ey
Alright yeah yeah
Well this cat named Mickey
Came from out of town yeah
He was spreading
New dance all around
And in just a matter
Of a few days yeah
His dance
Became the new teenage craze
And the people see him
Dancing they begin to see
To see this cat
Do that monkey thing
It's really something to see
This cat named Mickey's
Doing that monkey
C'mon let's do Mickey's
Monkey children
Yeah let's do Mickey's
Monkey children
Lum de lum de la ey
Lum de lum de la ey
Lum de lum de la ey
Lum de lum de la ey
Monkey see monkey do
C'mon you can do the monkey too
C'mon doing the Mickey's
Monkey children
Yeah you're doing Mickey's
Monkey children
Lum de Lum de la ey
Lum de Lum de la ey
Do the monkey
Mickey's monkey
Do the monkey
Mickey's monkey
Mickey's monkey
Mickey's monkey