

星野源、宮野真守、高畑充希、三浦大知 - Same Thing(Live)
Lyrics by:星野源、Superorganism
Composed by:星野源
Arranged by:Superorganism
It doesn't matter to me
Whether it's all rain or full of sunshine
You piss me off I love you a lot
To me they both mean the same
I meet really cruel guys and sweet angels too
Like all of the time
And they're always around
They're all crazy too
I hope you know what I mean
Yes I've got something to say
I've got something to say
To everybody f**k you
It's been on my mind
You know I meant it with love
I just thought it'd be fun
I just thought it'd be fun
Went through a whole lot so f**k this
They all mean the same thing you know
We alright change it up do your thing
Let's be real for a sec
I think you'll relate
We feel down often too
Mistakes that were made
The love that we ate
They all share a lovely home
Any who why don't we just karaoke
You'll be scarlett I'm bill
I wanna show you this really cool song
C'mon let's f**k up
I've got something to say
I've got something to say
To everybody f**k you
It's been on my mind
You know I meant it with love
I just thought it'd be fun
I just thought it'd be fun
Went through a whole lot so f**k this
They all mean the same thing you know
We alright change it up do your thing
Wabi sabi
Make it messy
Wabi sabi
Make it messy
Wabi sabi
Make it messy
Wabi sabi
Make it messy
I've got something to say
To everybody f**k you
It's been on my mind
You know I meant it with love
I just thought it'd be fun
I just thought it'd be fun
Went through a whole lot so f**k this
They all mean the same thing you know
We alright change it up do your thing






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