

Hello.Miss the DJ
Which will play my song
Please please play it all another long
Hello.Miss the DJ on the way and you
Holding every station on the year
Standing after missions everywhere
Telling everybody on the play and you
Wu ohoh
Everybody everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Who move to hardtion everywhere
Wish come the DJ only yet
Hello, miss the DJ on Lusand's link
Please Please play it my Miss Klaus week
Hello , miss the DJ on the way and you
A feeling Klaus play it are go and say
A feeling Klaus say it are loose a play
Scharing everybody on the day and you
Wu ohoh
Everybody everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Who move to hardtion everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Everybody everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Who move to hardtion everywhere wish come the DJ only year
DJ only year
Everybody everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Who move to hardtion everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Everybody everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Who move to hardtion everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Everybody everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Who move to hardtion everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Everybody everywhere wish come the DJ only year
Who move to hardtion everywhere wish come the DJ only year






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