No that we're here at the end.
I can't believe it.
We really did it this time.
Now that we're staring at our feet in our hands,
We're babies, babies again.
And ain't that how it feels when you're lonely?
After being loverly for so many years..
And it feels like I've had seven kinds of living lives.
All of them quite beautiful, but pardon me I can't recall your birthday
Or you favorite kinds of colors here.
In the fall as the leaves are falling,
Here I am, trouble recalling those things.
You know what it really is?
I can't go around a single corner.
I can't hit the grocery without her spirit followin me.
And if it's not my pocket that's a'ringin
It's ringin in my head from ear to ear.
She's right there in my head.
All you ghosts and all you poets,
You wouldn't even understand.
She's right there everywhere I go.
In my pocket, on the road.
Now that we are at the end of something.
I can't believe it, we really did it this time baby.
And in my head there's only the past and where I've been, memories of your skin,
Or at least what I can recall.
And now that this whole thing has come upended
Those days pretending that it could not be
Seem like such trivial things in such a beautiful story.
Seems like the only thing that don't come running out
Is that I wish that I'd done anything differently. Anything.