Lung is my new found hatred
To whom i won't share even air
No one else covets in my world
I shall not be ever surpasseo
Mechanical eyes to be installed
I am the way the truth and the life
Changing focus inspect right fully
You shall have no other before me
Stomach wines it's hunger
But the mouth screams and shouts instead
The mind signals gluttony and lust
I want more more more it yearned
To be greedier is what I crave
I'll take everything exploit and slay
Nothing of worth deserves my praise
Because your envy will be my prey
There's been an anomaly
Sharing yourself to me?
I beheld your ignorance
I'll tell you what i foresee
I demand your words and your pain
I demand your illness and your face
I demand your lacking and abundance
I demand to be you,whoi'll replace
Stomach wines it's hunger
But the mouth screams and shouts instead
The mind signals gluttony and lust
I want more more it yearned
To be greedier is what i crave
I'll take everything exploit and slay
Nothing of worth deserves my praise
Because your envy will be my prey
Stomach wines it's hunger
But the mouth screams and shouts instead
The mind signals gluttony and lust
I want more more more it yearned
To be greedier was what you craved
You've taken everything exploit and slay
Nothing of me deserved your praise
Because my envy will be your prey