

Stan Serkin Radio Edit
Vicetone Jonny Rose
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been moving your heart
So we can be together again
So we can make it to the end
I've been reading the stars
I've been counting the hours
So we can be together again
You and I
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
Reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
Reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
Reading the stars
Seems like we're meant to be
It played out like a prophecy
You came on like a vision in the dark
Like the daylight through the stars
If it's hard to read
One look at the sky and you'll see
Don't take it for granted
When the planets are aligned
I've been reading the stars
I've been moving your heart
So we can be together again
So we can make it to the end
I've been reading the stars
I've been counting the hours
So we can be together again
You and I
I've been reading the stars
Reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
I've been reading the stars
Reading the stars






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