GPS arose out of the ashes of the 90's incarnation of ASIA. John Payne had been the bass player and lead vocalist for ASIA for almost 15 years starting in 1992. Drummer Jay Schellen and guitarist Guthrie Govan had also joined the band later on and played with them until 2006. In 2006, Geoff Downes decided to reunite with the original ASIA and the remaining members Payne, Schellen and Govan teamed up with SPOCK'S BEARD's Ryo Okumoto on keyboards to form the band GPS and record the album "Window to the Soul". Although occasionally straying into AOR territory, the band took a much more progressive approach to writing and playing than their former band. In 2008, the band resigned with Inside Out/SPV for a three-album deal. A new record was to have been released in Spring of 2009. However, Payne was permitted by Geoff Downes and the other members of the original ASIA to perform and record under the name ASIA FEATURING JOHN PAYNE. The band is currently touring under that name with new guitarist Mitch Perry and ROCKET SCIENTIST's Erik Norlander on keyboards. A new album is planned soon.