Tyler Lyle
Welp, I guess this is my story: I'm the son of a musician- grew up in deep south honkey tonks and small town churches. I swore that I'd never be a musician, but I learned four chords on accident and I've been kicking myself since. Nietzche says that the only person that should be a writer is the person who is ashamed to write. I see too little venom and too little heart when I stare out my window. I see gold tongue carpet-baggers who sing for the holes in their pockets and I see starry-eyed firecrackers planted in shallow ground and I see great big megaphones magnifying squeaks and whimpers. So I've been around this great country (and a few other ones too) singing my songs, hardly "seasoned," but not the starry-eyed firecracker I once was. This soil here in Georgia is red rich with melody and song. From the Old Slave Songs in South Georgia to the Mississippi Delta Blues to the East Tennessee Mountain Music- and I'm standing right in the middle of it- it is my inheritance, and the inheritance of a great company of artists, writers, poets and prophets that I get to call friends and family. Music isn't fashion or politics or fortune. Music is a sacrament of human connection, not a trade or calling- I'm just happy I can sit around and participate. I wrote these songs for you. A≠A .. One Sheet http://www.tylerlyle.com/tyler_lyle-one_sheet.pdf ......